Wednesday 2 May 2012

भारत का सबसे पहला, सबसे बड़ा, सबसे ऊँचा, भारतीय स्त्रियाँ,

भारत का सबसे पहला, सबसे बड़ा, सबसे ऊँचा
मुक्त ज्ञानकोष विकिपीडिया से
सबसे लम्बी नदी -- गंगा
सबसे ऊँचा जलप्रपात -- गरसोप्पा या जोग
सबसे ऊँचा दरवाजा -- बुलन्द दरवाजा
सबसे ऊँचा पत्तन -- लेह (लद्दाख)
सबसे ऊँचा पशु -- जिर्राफ
सबसे ऊँचा बाँध -- भाखड़ा नांगल बाँध
सबसे ऊँची चोटी -- गॉडविन ऑस्टिन (K-2)
सबसे ऊँची झील -- देवताल झील
सबसे ऊँची मार्ग -- लेह-मनाली मार्ग
सबसे ऊँची मीनार -- कुतुब मीनार
सबसे ऊँची मूर्ति -- गोमतेश्वर
सबसे बड़ा चिड़ियाघर -- कोलकाता का चिड़ियाघर
सबसे बड़ा गुफा मन्दिर -- कैलाश मन्दिर (एलोरा)
सबसे बड़ा गुरुद्वारा -- स्वर्ण मन्दिर (अमृतसर)
सबसे बड़ा चिड़ियाघर -- जूलॉजिकल गॉर्डन्स (कोलकाता)
सबसे बड़ा डेल्टा -- सुन्दरवन
सबसे बड़ा तारामण्डल (प्लेनेटोरियम) -- बिड़ला तारामण्डल (प्लेनेटोरियम)
सबसे बड़ा पशुओं का मेला -- सोनपुर (बिहार)
सबसे बड़ा प्राकृतिक बन्दरगाह -- मुम्बई
सबसे बड़ा रेगिस्तान -- थार (राजस्थान)
सबसे बड़ा लीवर पुल -- हावड़ा सेतु (कोलकाता)
सबसे बड़ी झील (खारे पानी की) -- चिल्का झील (उड़ीसा)
सबसे बड़ी झील (मीठे पानी की) -- वूलर झील (काश्मीर)
सबसे बड़ी मस्जिद -- जामा मस्जिद (दिल्ली)
सबसे लम्बा प्लेटफॉर्म -- खड़गपुर (पश्चिम बंगाल)
सबसे लम्बा बाँध -- हीराकुण्ड बाँध (उड़ीसा)
सबसे लम्बा राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग -- राजमार्ग नं. 7 (वाराणसी से कन्याकुमारी)
सबसे लम्बा रेलमार्ग -- जम्मू से कन्याकुमारी
सबसे लम्बा सड़क का पुल -- महात्मा गांधी सेतु (पटना)
सबसे लम्बी तटरेखा वाला राज्य -- गुजरात
सबसे लम्बी सड़क -- ग्रांड ट्रंक रोड
सबसे लम्बी सुरंग -- जवाहर सुरंग (जम्मू काश्मीर)

1 भारतीय स्त्रियाँ

[संपादित करें]भारतीय स्त्रियाँ
भारत की प्रथम महिला बैरिस्टर - कार्नेलिया सोराबजी
स्नातक तक की पढ़ाई करने वाली प्रथम दो भारतीय महिलाएं - चन्द्रमुखी बसु एवं कादम्बिनी गांगुली ; इन्होंने १८८३ में स्नातक किया था।
भारत में प्रथम महिला विश्वविद्यालय - १९१६ में स्थापित मुम्बई का एस.एन.डी.टी. महिला विश्वविद्यालय।
भारत की प्रथम व्यावसायिक महिला पायलट - प्रेम माथुर  : १९५१ में यह पायलट बनी थीं।
एशियाई खेलों में स्वर्ण पदक प्राप्त करने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला - कमलजीत संधू
भारतीय सेना में कमीशन प्राप्त करने वाली प्रथम महिला - प्रिया झिंगन
भारतीय वायु सेना में पहली महिला पायलट - हरिता कौर देओल
सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में प्रथम महिला न्यायाधीश - एम. फातिमा बीवी
माउंट एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला - बछेन्द्री पाल
कार चालने वाली प्रथम भारतीय महिला - सुजान्ने आर.डी. टाटा

]विभिन्न क्षेत्रों भारत में प्रथम
1. बंगाल के प्रथम ब्रिटिश गवर्नर जनरल- वारेन हेस्टिंग्स
2. स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम गवर्नर जनरल- लार्ड माउंट बेटन
3. स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम कमांडर इन चीफ- रॉय बुचर

यहाँ पर हिन्दी से सम्बन्धित सबसे पहले साहित्यकारों, पुस्तकों, स्थानों आदि के नाम दिये गये हैं।

यहाँ पर हिन्दी से सम्बन्धित सबसे पहले साहित्यकारों, पुस्तकों, स्थानों आदि के नाम दिये गये हैं।
हिन्दी में प्रथम डी. लिट् - डा. पीताम्बर दत्त बड़थ्वाल
विज्ञान में शोधप्रबंध हिंदी में देने वाले प्रथम विद्यार्थी - मुरली मनोहर जोशी
अन्तरराष्ट्रीय संबन्ध पर अपना शोधप्रबंध लिखने वाले प्रथम व्यक्ति - वेद प्रताप वैदिक
हिंदी में बी.टेक. का प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत करने वाले प्रथम विद्यार्थी : श्यामरूद्र पाठक (सन् १९८५)
डॉक्टर आफ मेडिसिन (एमडी) की शोधप्रबन्ध पहली बार हिन्दी में प्रस्तुत करने वाले - डॉ० मुनीश्वर गुप्त (सन् १९८७)
हिन्दी माध्यम से एल-एल०एम० उत्तीर्ण करने वाला देश का प्रथम विद्यार्थी - चन्द्रशेखर उपाध्याय
प्रबंधन क्षेत्र में हिन्दी माध्यम से प्रथम शोध-प्रबंध के लेखक - भानु प्रताप सिंह (पत्रकार) ; विषय था - उत्तर प्रदेश प्रशासन में मानव संसाधन की उन्नत प्रवत्तियों का एक विश्लेषणात्मक अध्ययन- आगरा मंडल के संदर्भ में
हिन्दी का पहला इंजीनियर कवि - मदन वात्स्यायन
हिन्दी में निर्णय देने वाला पहला न्यायधीश -- न्यायमूर्ति श्री प्रेम शंकर गुप्त
सेंट्रल लेजिस्लेटिव असेंबली में हिन्दी के प्रथम वक्ता -- नारायण प्रसाद सिंह (सारण-दरभंगा ; 1926)
हिन्दी में संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ में भाषण देने वाला प्रथम राजनयिक -- अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी
हिन्दी का प्रथम महाकवि -- चन्दबरदाई
हिंदी का प्रथम महाकाव्य -- पृथ्वीराजरासो
हिंदी का प्रथम ग्रंथ -- स्वयंभू द्वारा रचित पुमउ चरउ
हिन्दी का पहला समाचार पत्र -- उदन्त मार्तण्ड (पं जुगलकिशोर शुक्ल)
हिन्दी की प्रथम पत्रिका
सबसे पहला हिन्दी-आन्दोलन : हिंदीभाषी प्रदेशों में सबसे पहले बिहार प्रदेश में सन् 1835 में हिंदी आंदोलन शुरू हुआ था। इस अनवरत प्रयास के फलस्वरूप सन् 1875 में बिहार में कचहरियों और स्कूलों में हिंदी प्रतिष्ठित हुई।
समीक्षामूलक हिन्दी का प्रथम मासिक -- साहित्य संदेश ( आगरा, सन् 1936 से 1942 तक)
हिन्दी का प्रथम आत्मचरित - अर्धकथानक ( कृतिकार हैं - जैन कवि बनारसीदास (कवि) (वि.सं. १६४३-१७००))
हिन्दी का प्रथम व्याकरण - 'उक्ति-व्यक्ति-प्रकरण' (दामोदर पंडित)
हिन्दी व्याकरण के पाणिनी -- किशोरीदास वाजपेयी
हिन्दी का प्रथम शब्दकोश
हिन्दी का प्रथम मानक शब्दकोश -- हिंदी शब्दसागर
हिन्दी का प्रथम विश्वकोश -- हिन्दी विश्वकोश
हिन्दी का प्रथम कवि - राहुल सांकृत्यायन की हिन्दी काव्यधारा के अनुसार हिन्दी के सबसे पहले मुसलमान कवि अमीर खुसरो नहीं, बल्कि अब्दुर्हमान हुए हैं। ये मुलतान के निवासी और जाति के जुलाहे थे। इनका समय १०१० ई० है। इनकी कविताएँ अपभ्रंश में हैं। -(संस्कृति के चार अध्याय, रामधारी सिंह दिनकर, पृष्ठ ४३१ )
हिन्दी की प्रथम कहानी - हिंदी की सर्वप्रथम कहानी कौनसी है, इस विषय में विद्वानों में जो मतभेद शुरू हुआ था वह आज भी जैसे का तैसा बना हुआ है. हिंदी की सर्वप्रथम कहानी समझी जाने वाली कड़ी के अर्न्तगत सैयद इंशाअल्लाह खाँ की 'रानी केतकी की कहानी' (सन् 1803 या सन् 1808 ), राजा शिवप्रसाद सितारे हिंद की 'राजा भोज का सपना' (19 वीं सदी का उत्तरार्द्ध), किशोरी लाल गोस्वामी की 'इन्दुमती' (सन् 1900), माधवराव सप्रे की 'एक टोकरी भर मिट्टी' (सन् 1901), आचार्य रामचंद्र शुक्ल की 'ग्यारह वर्ष का समय' (सन् 1903) और बंग महिला की 'दुलाई वाली' (सन् 1907) नामक कहानियाँ आती हैं.
हिन्दी का प्रथम लघुकथाकार --
हिन्दी का प्रथम उपन्यास -- 'देवरानी जेठानी की कहानी' (लेखक - पंडित गौरीदत्त ; सन् १८७०) । श्रद्धाराम फिल्लौरी की भाग्यवती और लाला श्रीनिवास दास की परीक्षा गुरू को भी हिन्दी के प्रथम उपन्यस होने का श्रेय दिया जाता है।
हिंदी का प्रथम विज्ञान गल्प -- ‘आश्चर्यवृत्तांत’ (अंबिका दत्त व्यास ; 1884-1888)
हिंदी का प्रथम नाटक -- नहुष (गोपालचंद्र , १८४१)
हिंदी का प्रथम काव्य-नाटक -- ‘एक घूँट’ (जयशंकर प्रसाद ; 1915 ई.)
हिन्दी का प्रथम ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार विजेता -- सुमित्रानंदन पंत (१९६८)
हिन्दी साहित्य का प्रथम इतिहास - भक्तमाल / इस्त्वार द ल लितरेत्यूर ऐन्दूई ऐन्दूस्तानी (अर्थात "हिन्दुई और हिन्दुस्तानी साहित्य का इतिहास", लेखक गार्सा-द-तासी )
हिन्दी कविता के प्रथम इतिहासग्रन्थ के रचयिता -- शिवसिंह सेंगर ; रचना - शिवसिंह सरोज
हिन्दी साहित्य का प्रथम व्यवस्थित इतिहासकार -- आचार्य रामचंद्र शुक्ल
हिन्दी का प्रथम चलचित्र (मूवी) -- सत्य हरिश्चन्द्र
हिन्दी की पहली बोलती फिल्म (टाकी) -- आलम आरा
हिन्दी का अध्यापन आरम्भ करने वाला प्रथम विश्वविद्यालय - कोलकाता विश्वविद्यालय (फोर्ट विलियम् कॉलेज)
देवनागरी के प्रथम प्रचारक -- गौरीदत्त
हिन्दी का प्रथम चिट्ठा (ब्लॉग) - "हिन्दी" चिट्ठे 2002 अकटूबर में विनय और आलोक ने हिन्दी (इस में अंग्रेज़ी लेख भी लिखे जाते हैं) लेख लिखने शुरू करे, 21 अप्रेल 2003 में सिर्फ हिन्दी का प्रथम चिट्ठा बना "नौ दो ग्यारह", जो अब यहाँ है (संगणकों के हिन्दीकरण से सम्बन्धित बंगलोर निवासी आलोक का चिट्ठा)
हिन्दी का प्रथम चिट्ठा-संकलक—चिट्ठाविश्व (सन् २००४ के आरम्भ में बनाया गया था)
अन्तरजाल पर हिन्दी का प्रथम समाचारपत्र - हिन्दी मिलाप / वेबदुनिया
हिन्दी का पहला समान्तर कोश बनाने का श्रेय -- अरविन्द कुमार व उनकी पत्नी कुसुम
हिन्दी साहित्य का प्रथम राष्ट्रगीत के रचयिता -- पं. गिरिधर शर्मा ’नवरत्न‘
हिंदी का प्रथम अर्थशास्त्रीय ग्रंथ -- "संपत्तिशास्त्र" (महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी)
हिन्दी के प्रथम बालसाहित्यकार -- जयप्रकाश भारती
हिन्दी की प्रथम वैज्ञानिक पत्रिका -- विज्ञान
सबसे पहली टाइप-आधारित देवनागरी प्रिंटिंग : 1796 में गिलक्रिस्त (John Borthwick Gilchrist) की Grammar of the Hindoostanee Language, Calcutta ; Dick Plukker
खड़ीबोली के गद्य की प्रथम पुस्तक : लल्लू लाल जी की प्रेम सागर (हिन्दी में भागवत का दशम् स्कन्ध) ; हिन्दी गद्य साहित्य का सूत्रपात करनेवाले चार महानुभाव कहे जाते हैं- मुंशी सदासुख लाल, इंशा अल्ला खाँ, लल्लू लाल और सदल मिश्र। ये चारों सं. 1860 के आसपास वर्तमान थे।
हिन्दी की प्रथम विज्ञान-विषयक पुस्तक : महेन्द्र भट्टाचार्य द्वारा सन् 1873 में रचित पदार्थ विज्ञान
एशिया का जागरण विषय पर हिन्दी कविता - सन् 1901 में राधाकृष्ण मित्र ने हिन्दी में एशिया के जागरण पर एक कविता लिखी थी। शायद वह किसी भी भाषा में 'एशिया के जागरण' की कल्पना पर पहली कविता है।

First in INDIA

First Islamic Mausoleum (tomb) in India: Sultan Ghari(Hindi: सुल्तान ग़ारी, Urdu: سلطان غاری), built in 1231 CE for Prince Nasir ud din Mahmud, eldest son of Iltumish.
First true dome, Alai Darwaza, Qutb complex, Delhi, built in 1311 CE, by first Khilji Sultan of Delhi, Ala-ud-din Khilji.
First true arch, Balban's tomb, Mehrauli Archeological Park, Delhi, built c. 1287 CE, by Ghiyas ud din Balban of Mamluk dynasty.
First garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent, also the first with Persian double-dome: Humayun's Tomb, Delhi, built 1562-1571 CE.
First Mosque in India: Cheraman Juma Masjid Kodungallur (Kerala), built 629-630 A.D by Malik ibn Deenar, an Arab trader on the order of Chera ruler Cheraman Perumal (Tajjudin after conversion to Islam)[1][2]
[edit]Awards and Titles
Miss World: Reita Faria in 1966
Miss Asia Pacific: Zeenat Aman in 1970
Miss Universe: Sushmita Sen in 1994
Miss Earth: Nicole Faria in 2010
Dhan Gopal Mukerji, first Indian to win any literary award (the Newbery Medal) in the United States, in 1927 for Gay Neck, the Story of a Pigeon
Nirad C. Chaudhuri, first Indian to win a major non-fiction award, the Duff Cooper Prize in the United Kingdom, in 1966 for The Continent of Circe
Arundhati Roy won the Booker prize for her novel "The God of Small Things" in the year 1997 making her the first Indian woman to receive the prestigious award.
Bhaswati Bhattacharya was the first Indian to speak as Orator at the Harvard University Commencement Exercises in 1993.[3]
Bharat Ratna: Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, C. Rajagopalachari, and Dr C.V. Raman in 1954
Commandeur of the Order of Arts and Letters: Mrinal Sen[4]
Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters: Sivaji Ganesan
Dadasaheb Phalke Award: Devika Rani in 1969
Ashoka Chakra Award to a civilian : D.K. Jatar (posthumous) and M.C Dixit, captain and co-captain respectively, of the sabotaged plane Kashmir Princess, for "most conspicuous bravery, daring and self-sacrifice"
Magsaysay Award: Vinoba Bhave, 1958
Stalin Peace Prize (now known as Lenin Peace Prize) in 1952-Saifuddin Kitchlew
Oscar for Lifetime Achievement - Satyajit Ray
Nishan-e-Pakistan: Morarji Desai,19 May 1990
Ford Supermodel of the World (contest): Bipasha Basu, 1996[citation needed][5]
[edit]Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize winner: Rabindranath Tagore for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1913. He was also the first Asian to get the prize.
Nobel Prize in Physics: C. V. Raman in 1930, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar in 1983. (US citizen of Indian origin)
Nobel Prize in Medicine: Har Gobind Khorana in 1968. (US citizen of Indian origin )
Nobel Peace Prize: Mother Teresa of calcutta in 1979 (Indian citizen of Albanian origin)
Nobel Prize in Economics: Amartya Sen in 1998
Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Venkatraman Ramakrishnan in 2009 (UK citizen of Indian origin)
[edit]Defence (in the Republic of India)
Commander-in-Chief of Free India: General Sir Roy Bucher
Indian Commander-in-Chief of Free India: General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1949
Chief of Air Staff: Air Marshal Sir Thomas Elmhirst
Indian Chief of Staff: General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1947
Commander-in-Chief, IAF: Air Marshal Subroto Mukerjee, 1954
Chief of Naval Staff: Vice Admiral R D Katari
Cosmonaut: Sqn Ldr Rakesh Sharma, 1984
Field Marshal: Sam Manekshaw, 1973.
First Parsi Army Chief: Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
First Parsi Navy Chief: Admiral J L Cursetji
First Parsi Air Force Chief: Air Marshal Aspy Engineer
First Christian Army Chief: General Sunith Francis Rodrigues
First Christian Navy Chief: Admiral Ronald Lynsdale Pereira
First Christian Air Force Chief: Air Chief Marshal Norman Anil Kumar Browne
First Sikh Army Chief: General Joginder Jaswant Singh
First Sikh Air Force Chief: Air Marshal Arjan Singh
First Muslim Air Force Chief: Air Marshal Idris Hasan Latif
First female officer to be court martialled: Anjali Gupta
First power plant in India with Soviet Collaboration: Neyveli Lignite Corporation in 1962[6].
First central PSU to be privatised: Modern Food Industries in January 2000
Person to fly in a balloon and land in a parachute, and also to take ballooning as a profession: Ram Chandra Chatterjee
Person to reach the South Pole: Col Jatinder Kumar Bajaj
Woman to scale Mount Everest: Bachendri Pal on 23 May 1984. She was the 5th woman in the world to scale the peak.
Woman to reach South Pole: Reena Kaushal Dharmshaktu
Person to reach the North Pole: Squadron Leader Sanjay Thapar
[edit]Film, TV and entertainment
First Film to be exhibited in India on 7 July 1896, with the Lumiere Brothers' Cinematography, unveiling six silent short films at the Watson's Hotel in Bombay, viz., Entry of Cinematographe, The Sea Bath, Arrival of a Train, A Demolition, Ladies & Soldiers on Wheels and Leaving the Factory.
First silent film to be made in India Raja Harishchandra 1913, by Dadasaheb Phalke
Sound film: Alam Ara (1931) directed by Ardeshir Irani,[7] 1931, First Talkie actress:Zubeida
Colour film: Kisan Kanya (1937), directed by Moti B. Gidvani.
Banned film: Neel Akasher Neechey (1959) .[8]
cinemascope film: Kaagaz Ke Phool (1959)[9][10]
Oscar for Lifetime Achievement: Satyajit Ray (1992)
Film to win highest number of international awards: Pather Panchali (1955) eleven awards, including Cannes
Films to be considered as All-Time 100 best movies: Apu Trilogy (Pather Panchali, Aparajito (1956) and Apur Sansar(1959)) by Satyajit Ray
Oscar winner: Bhanu Athaiya for Best Costume Design for Gandhi (film) in 1982
Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film: Mother India in 1957
Music director to win an Oscar and first double Oscar winner-Mr. A. R. Rahman for Slumdog Millionaire, 22 February 2009.
Sound engineer to win an Oscar: Resul Pookutty for Slumdog Millionaire, 22 February 2009
Palme d'Or at 1946 Cannes Film Festival:Neecha Nagar directed by Chetan Anand
National Film Award for cinema: Shyamchi Aai in 1954
Colorized film: Mughal-e-Azam in 2004 (the original black-and-white version was released in 1960)
Sponsored TV serial: Hum Log, started on 7 July 1984, was also the first soap opera of India, ran for 156 episodes
Guinness Book of World Records in the category Fewest actors in a narrative film: Yaadein (1964) directed and acted by Sunil Dutt[11]
Actor to enact 10 roles: Kamal Haasan
Actress to enact 10 roles = Priyanka Chopra plays 12 different characters in Bollywood film-"What's Your Raashee?"
3-D film: My Dear Kuttichathan, a Malayalam film, produced in 1984, dubbed in Hindi as Chhota Chetan.
70 mm film: Around the World in Eight Dollars, a Hindi film, starring Raj Kapoor and Rajshree in 1967
Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (officer of the order of arts and letters): Director: Mrinal Sen (1985); Actor:Sivaji Ganesan (1995); Actress: Sharmila Tagore(2004)
Hindi film screened at the United Nations: Lage Raho Munna Bhai on 10 November 2006
First music record was recorded by Gauhar Jaan[12] singing a khayal in Raag Jogiya,[13] recorded on 2 November 1902, by Fred Gaisberg, assistant to Emile Berliner, the father ofGramophone record.[14]
President: Rajendra Prasad (1950–1962)
First Women President: Pratibha Patil(2007-till date)
First Vice-President: Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Prime Minister: Jawaharlal Nehru (1947–1964). India held its first constitutional elections in 1952 after which he was re-elected
Deputy Prime Minister: Vallabhbhai Patel (1947–1950)
Leader of Opposition: AK Gopalan
Prime Minister to be voted out of office: Indira Gandhi (1977) when the Indian National Congress lost to the Janata Party
Non-Congress government: by Janata Party with Morarji Desai as the Prime Minister (1977–1980)
Non-Congress State government with Majority by a single party: E. M. S. Namboodiripad of CPI, Kerala 1957
Prime Minister to lead a minority government for a full term (five years): P. V. Narasimha Rao, 21 June 1991 – 16 May 1996
Person outside the Nehru-Gandhi family to serve as Prime Minister for a full term (five years): P. V. Narasimha Rao, 21 June 1991 – 16 May 1996
Prime Minister from South India: P. V. Narasimha Rao, 1991
Governor-General: Warren Hastings
The first Viceroy of India was Lord Canning,1858.
Governor General of Independent India: Lord Mountbatten, 1947
Indian Governor-General of Indian Union: C Rajagopalachari, 1948
Chief Justice of India: H. J. Kania (1947–1951)
First Sikh Prime Minister : Manmohan Singh(2004–Till date)
First Muslim President : Zakir Hussain (1967–1969)
First Sikh President : Giani Zail Singh
Indian ICS Officer: Satyendranath Tagore, 1863
Speaker of Lok Sabha: G.V. Mavlankar (1952–1956)
Finance Minister of Independent India: R.K. Shanmukhan Chetty (1947–1949), for others see First Indian Cabinet
Presentation of First Budget after India's Independence : R. K. Shanmukhan Chetty on 26 November 1947
First Home Minister of India: Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel[15]
First Indian Chief Minister to die in Office: C.N.Annadurai, Tamil Nadu
First Indian President to die in Office: Dr Zakir Hussain, 3 May 1969
First Indian Prime Minister to resign from office: Morarji Desai, 1979
First Woman Cabinet Minister in India: Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
First Woman Minister in India: Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
First Woman Chief Minister: Sucheta Kriplani
First Female Home Minister: Sabitha Indra Reddy in Andhra Pradesh Govt..
Youngest ever Chief Minister: M. O. H. Farook, Puducherry, at the age of 29
First Woman Speaker of the Lok Sabha: Meira Kumar
First Woman Finance Minister of State Government in India: Dr Upinderjit Kaur, in Punjab Govt.
Hydroelectric plant: On the Gaganachukki waterfall of the Sivasamudram Falls, Mysore Kingdom. Built in 1902.
Place to get electricity: Calcutta[16][17][18][19] in 1898 and Mysore kingdom in 1902 (it was the second city in Asia to get electricity after Tokyo, Japan.)
Man in space:Rakesh Sharma aboard Soyuz T-11, on 3 April 1984. He was the 138th man in space worldwide.
Woman in space:Kalpana Chawla aboard Space Shuttle Columbia flight STS-87, on 19 November 1997. She was a naturalized United States citizen, and represented the US during the event.
Test-tube baby: Durga Agarwal, born 1978
Scientific Expedition to Antarctica: 1981
Nuclear Reactor: CIRUS, Mumbai, Maharashtra
First Genetically Modified Food Product in India : Bt. Egg plant Hybrid (Bt. -- Bacilius thuringiensis)
Satellite : Aryabhata, launched on 19 April 1975
Satellite dedicated exclusively for educational services : EDUSET
Successfully indigenous launch vehicle : SLV-3
Prospective space tourist: Santhosh George Kulangara, proposed in 2009 aboard Virgin Galactic
Cloned Animal : Bhass, sampura
In 1850, the first experimental electric telegraph line was started between Kolkata and Diamond Harbor. In 1851, it was opened for the use of the British East India Company
1854: Telegraph service opened to the Public
First telephone exchange: On 28 January 1882, Major E. Baring, Member of the Governor General of India's Council declared open the Telephone Exchanges in Calcutta, Bombay andMadras. The exchange in Calcutta named the "Central Exchange", was opened at third floor of the building at 7, Council House Street, with a total of 93 subscribers. Later that year, Bombay also witnessed the opening of a telephone exchange.
1902 - First wireless telegraph station established between Sagar Islands and Sandheads.
1907 - First Central Battery of telephones introduced in Kanpur.
1913-1914 - First Automatic Exchange installed in Shimla.
1927 - Radio-telegraph system between the UK and India, with Imperial Wireless Chain beam stations at Khadki and Daund. Inaugurated by Lord Irwin on 23 July by exchanging greetings with King George V.
1933 - Radiotelephone system inaugurated between the UK and India.
1953 - 12 channel carrier system introduced.
1960 - First subscriber trunk dialing route commissioned between Lucknow and Kanpur.
1975 - First PCM system commissioned between Mumbai City and Andheri telephone exchanges.
1976 - First digital microwave junction introduced.
1979 - First optical fibre system for local junction commissioned at Pune.
1980 - First satellite earth station for domestic communications established at Secunderabad, A.P..
1983 - First analog Stored Program Control exchange for trunk lines commissioned at Mumbai.
1984 - First Underground Metro Railways System at Calcutta.
1984 - C-DOT established for indigenous development and production of digital exchanges.
1995 - First mobile telephone service started on non-commercial basis on 15 August 1995 in Delhi.
[edit]Medical Science
First Ever Rhinoplasty noted in world/India: Over Ksatji a british soldier by a Kumhar Vaidya.
Indian to swim across the English Channel: Mihir Sen, 1958
Woman to swim across the English Channel: Arati Saha, 1959
Formula One race driver: Narain Karthikeyan
Formula One team: Force India F1
A1 GP race victory: Narain Karthikeyan, Zhuhai, China, 2007
Person to equal world record in Archery: Limba Ram, 1992
Person to walk across the Mongolian Gobi Desert of 1626 kilometers in 51 days 11 hours 40 minutes: Sucheta Kadethankar in Mongolia in 2011.
Ashish Kumar is the first Indian to win a medal in both Asian games(November 12 to 27 November 2010, Guangzhou(China)) and Commonwealth games(Delhi, India, from 3 to 14 October 2010). He won Bronze medal in both games.
Shiva Keshavan is the first Indian to win a Gold Medal for India in Winter sports at the Asia Cup in Japan on 18 December 2011. The Asian Champion is also a 4 time Olympian and has set the new Asian speed record on ice at 134.3 kmph.
Olympic team medal: Gold for Hockey at the 1928 Summer Olympics Amsterdam, beating the Netherlands.
Olympic Individual medal (in British India): Silver by Norman Pritchard for 200 metres races at the 1900 Summer Olympics, Paris. (This is disputed however. The IOC claims he participated for India. The IAAF records him as participant for Great Britain.)
Olympic Individual medal: Bronze by K. D. Jadhav for wrestling at the 1952 Summer Olympics Helsinki.
Olympic Bronze medallist in Tennis: Leander Paes in Atlanta Olympics in 1996.
Olympic Individual medal by a woman: Bronze by Karnam Malleswari for weightlifting 54 kg class, at the 2000 Summer Olympics Sydney.
Olympic Silver medal: Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore for Men's Double Trap at the 2004 Summer Olympics Athens.
Olympic Individual gold medal: Abhinav Bindra for 10 m Air Rifle at the 2008 Summer Olympics Beijing.
Olympic Bronze medallist in Boxing:Vijender Kumar in Beijing Olympics 2008.
Olympic Bronze medallist in Wrestling: Sushil Kumar in Beijing Olympics 2008.
Chess Grandmaster : Male - Vishwanathan Anand, 1988.
Female - Koneru Humpy - 2002 - She was also the youngest woman to become a grandmaster at 15 years old.(Hou Yifan of China is the youngest woman to become a grandmaster at 14years and 6 months.)
Grand Slam title: Mahesh Bhupathi (partnering with Japanese Rika Hiraki) in the Mixed Doubles category of the 1997 French Open.
Woman to win a match in a Grand Slam event: Nirupama Vaidyanathan beat Italian Gloria Pizzichini in the first round of the 1998 Australian Open
Woman to reach 4th round (highest as of 2009) of a Grand Slam singles event: Sania Mirza in the Singles category of the 2005 US Open.
Woman to win a Grand Slam title: Sania Mirza (partnering with Mahesh Bhupathi) in the Mixed Doubles category of the 2009 Australian Open.
Grand Slam junior title: Leander Paes in the Singles category of the 1990 Wimbledon Championship.
Grand Slam junior title by a woman: Sania Mirza (partnering with Russian Alisa Kleybanova) in the Doubles category of the 2003 Wimbledon Championships.
Cricket tournament: The Bombay Triangular (1905–1911) which later became the Bombay Quadrangular (1912–1936)
Cricket test match: Against England at Lord's, 25 June 1932
One day Cricket captain: [Ajit Laxman Wadekar]
Test Cricket captain: C. K. Nayudu for the 1932 tour of England
Indian to score an ODI century was Kapil Dev, 175* against Zimbabwe in the 1983 Cricket World Cup
Indian to score an ODI double century is Sachin Tendulkar, 200* against South Africa at Gwalior, 24 February 2010
Cricketer to score a century: Lala Amarnath, 118 against England in December 1933 at Bombay Gymkhana grounds
Cricketer to score a double century: Polly Umrigar, 223 against New Zealand at Hyderabad in 1955-56
Cricketer to score a triple century: Virender Sehwag, 309 against Pakistan in Multan in 2004.
ODI cricket hat-trick: Chetan Singh against Australia in March 2001
Cricket World Cup championship win: At the 1983 Cricket World Cup, India beating West Indies, and at the 2011 Cricket World Cup, India beating Sri Lanka.
Batsman to complete 10,000 runs in Test cricket: Sunil Gavaskar (he was first in the world to achieve this feat)
Batsman to complete 10,000 runs in ODI cricket: Sachin Tendulkar (he was first in the world to achieve this feat)
Cricket Twenty20 world cup winner: India in 2007.
Cricketer to score 100 centuries in Test and ODIs combined: Sachin Tendulkar
First bowler to take all 10 wickets in an innings: Anil Kumble against Pakistan
First batsman to score 50 centuries in Test Cricket : Sachin Tendulkar
First woman to score a double hundred in test cricket : Mithali Raj [214* against Newzealand at Wellington 2004] (she was first in the world to achieve this feat)
First time six sixes in an over of a T-20 match were scored by an Indian batsman Yuvraj Singh against England
Graduates: Kadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi Basu, 1883
Head of an Undergraduate Academic Institution: Chandramukhi Basu, 1888
Honours Graduate: Kamini Roy (1886)
Court martialled: Anjali Gupta in 2005
Lawyer: Cornelia Sorabjee (1892) also the first female graduate from Bombay University, and the first woman in the world to read law at Oxford.
Photojournalist: Homai Vyarawalla (1913)[20]
Doctorate of Science: Asima Chatterjee (1944)
Chief Justice of a High Court (Himachal Pradesh): Leila Seth, 1991
Supreme Court judge: Kumari Fathima Beevi
High Court Judge : Anna Chandy
Woman President of the United Nations General Assembly : Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, 1953
Physician: Kadambini Ganguly, 1886
Airline Pilot: Durba Banerjee
In space: Kalpana Chawla aboard Space Shuttle Columbia flight STS-87, on 19 November 1997. She was a naturalized United States citizen, and represented the US during the event.
Nobel Prize winner: Mother Teresa of calcutta in 1979 (Albanian born Indian citizen)
Women Railway Minister :Mamata Banerjee.
Monarch of Delhi Sultanate: Razia Sultan (1205–1240) of Mamluk Sultanate (Delhi)
Prime Minister: Indira Gandhi, 1966
Minister in a government: Rajkumari Amrit Kaur in the Ministry of Health
Chief Minister of a State: Sucheta Kripalani, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, 1963–1967
Governor: Sarojini Naidu, Governor of Uttar Pradesh, 1947–1949
Central Minister (in pre-independent India): Vijayalakshmi Pandit, minister of local self-government and public health, 1937
Speaker of the Lok Sabha: Meira Kumar
Indian National Congress President: Annie Besant
President: Pratibha Patil, 2007
IPS Officer Kiran Bedi
Asian Games gold medal winner: Kamlijit Sandhu
The first Indian woman to climb Mount Everest : Bachendri Pal, 1984
Chess Grandmaster: Koneru Humpy, 2002. She was also the youngest woman in the world to become a grandmaster at 15 years old.
To win 1st round match in a Grand Slam event: Nirupama Vaidyanathan beat Italian Gloria Pizzichini in the first round of the 1998 Australian Open
To reach 4th round (highest as of 2008) of a Grand Slam event: Sania Mirza in the Singles category of the 2005 US Open.
Grand Slam junior title: Sania Mirza (partnering with Russian Alisa Kleybanova) in the Doubles category of the 2003 Wimbledon Championships.
State Finance Minister: Dr Upinderjit Kaur, in Punjab : October, 2010
Paris Cycling Event : Divya Tate(44) : August, 2011[21]
The first Indian woman pilot: Harita Kaur Deol becomes the first Indian woman pilot in the Indian Air Force (IAF), on a solo flight in 1994.
To Cross Gobi Desert : Sucheta Kadethankar(33) :2011[22]
First Indian woman to reach the final of an Olympic event Pilavullakandi Thekkeparambil Usha, popularly known as P. T. Usha[23]
District to achieve 100% literacy rate: Ernakulam district, Kerala, 1990
City/town to achieve 100% literacy rate: Kottayam, Kerala, 1989
District to achieve 100% literacy rate and lowest population growth rate: Pathanamthitta district, Kerala
District to be polio-free: Pathanamthitta district, Kerala
District to achieve tobacco free: Kottayam district, Kerala, 27 September 2008
District to become India's 'total electrified district': Palakkad, Kerala, 2011
City to have an e-court: Ahmedabad, 8 February 2009
First Passenger Train: between Mumbai and Thane on 16 April 1853
First suburban railway line: Mumbai Suburban Railway in 1857
First rapid transit (Metro) rail: Kolkata Metro in 1984
First Motorcar: in 1897, Mr Forster of Crompton Greaves
First Motorcar in regular use, in 1901, Francis Spring, Chennai
First Indians to own a motor car: Jamshedji Tata 1901 and Rustom Cama, Parsi Lawyer 1901
First competitive event Delhi-Bombay trials 1905 at the behest of Lord Curzon and Motor Union of Western India to test the suitability of the Automobile for Indian roads and to facilitate interaction between the fledging Automobile Industry and prospective Indian clients[24][25][26][27][28]
Oldest surviving and running cars in India: De Dion Bouton 1904, Rover 1905
First woman to drive a car in India: Suzanne RD Tata 1905
First Motor Taxi Mumbai, 1911
First largescale import of motor cars: Relatively large contingent of motorcars imported for the Delhi Darbar held in 1911 to mark the arrival of King George V[29]
First registration scheme for motor vehicles in India: 1912
Arrival of mass production technology makes the Automobile a practical means of transport by the 1920s and most British officers had cars
First Assembly of motor cars: General Motors sets up the first assembly unit to assemble cars from imported parts in 1928. The National Series AB sedan is produced.
First manufacture of motor cars: Hindustan Motors begins production of cars in 1942. Premier automobiles and Standard Motors setup. Technology stagnates as a result of economic autarky as India is isolated from the rest of the world
First act leading to liberalization of the Auto sector: Maruti 800 launched in 1983 and the automotive industry is progressively liberalized
First fully indegenous passenger car developed in India, Tata Indica launched in 1998
First expressway: Mumbai-Pune Expressway in 2000
First major acquisition of a foreign company by an Indian company: Tata Motors acquires Jaguar and Land Rover in 2007. Mahindra Automotive emerges as the top bidder for SSangsyong motors in 2010
First world-famous automotive product designed and developed in India. Tata Nano launched in 2008
First aeroplane in India Maharaja of Patiala 1910[30]
Domestic commercial aviation is born in India in 1911 when on 18 February, Henri Piquet, flying a Humber biplane, carries mall from Allahabad to Naini Junction, some six miles away.
1927: India's first airline, Imperial Airways, extends its Empire Routes to India, connecting India with the outside world for the first time through an air network. A de Havilland Hercules flies the Cairo-Basra-Karachi-Jodhpur-Delhi route. It is also the first domestic passenger flight to be operated in India. Passengers could be for the first time fly from Karachi to Jodhpurand to Delhi on Imperial Airways.
On 10 February 1929, JRD Tata is awarded India's first pilot licence, Pilot Licence No.1 by Federation Aeronotique International signed by Sir Victor Sasoon on behalf of the Aero Club of India and Burma.
1932: Urmila K Parikh becomes the first woman to get a pilot licence when she is given an a licence by the Aero Club of India and Burma.
1932: JRD Tata launches India's first scheduled airline, Tata Airlines, by piloting the first flight himself from Karachi to Bombay via Ahmedabad on a single-engine Puss Moth with a load of airmail.
Wax statue of a living Indian: Mahatma Gandhi at Madame Tussaud's in 1939
Newspaper : Hickey's Bengal Gazette in 1779
Exclusive internet magazine: Bharat Samachar[citation needed]
Miss India to participate in Miss Universe: Indrani Rahman in the Miss Universe 1952 Pageant at Long Beach, California
President of the Indian National Congress: W C Bonnerjee, 1885
Graduate in Medicine: Soorjo Coomar Goodeve Chuckerbutty